what we strive for
In the beginning there was original Solitude, Unity in perfect Innocence. We seek to know and be known in vulnerability to the Holy Spirit's actions in order to grow in depth of relationship with one's spouse, children, and in developing true friendship.
The practical application of our apostolate is teaching and living prayer in our families (what the Church refers to as the domestic church). If the family is the "basic cell of society" then prayer is the lifeline of that to allow adequate growth and influence of culture, starting at home.
Founded in solidarity with Our Lord in the Eucharist, the "source and summit" of our faith, we emphasize communion. The Eucharist is the unifying principle allowing us to utilize the grace involved with “iron sharpening iron” and the realization that communion with others requires intentionality.
We seek to discover to know, love, and serve God in everything. Sanctifying marriage in the little and the ordinary things of daily life is our mission to live out and demonstrate to others by our actions. It is our goal to do ordinary things with extraordinary love.
“Man... cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself." (Gaudiem et Spes 24:3) We strive to imitate Jesus Christ in his perfect gift of self. As we do this we desire to make up what is lacking in His suffering- that is, our joyful participation in fully giving of ourselves in charity.
Family is the “school of love” and as love grows as knowledge increases. Striving for what is true, good, and beautiful we seek to know Christ and live out true charity in our families and in society.
"Mercy is love's second name." (St. John Paul II)
We trust in the unconditional mercy of God, giving us the capacity to love as He would have us love- specifically in the domestic church, and outward to all those the Lord calls us to serve.
“For me to love You as You love me, I would have to borrow Your own love.” (St. Therese of Lisieux)