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Sanctifying the Ordinary
in Marriage and Family Life

The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in the Family is an apostolate devoted to the sanctification of ordinary life in the family, strengthened by the sacrament of marriage. We desire to make the day-to-day life of marriage holy by becoming who God has created us to be.


We help couples seek and find a life-transforming experience of the love of God the Father, poured into their heart by the Holy Spirit, and received through a greater surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.


We help couples discern and use the gifts given to them by the Holy Spirit, so that their families can grow in holiness and create a "new normal" in our culture.


Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we help spouses form deep spiritual friendships with each other and with other couples. Together we seek to reclaim our heritage as sons and daughters of God.

"The family finds in the plan of God the Creator and Redeemer not only its identity, what it is, but also its mission, what it can and should do... 
Each family finds within itself a summons that cannot be ignored, and that specifies both its dignity and its responsibility: Family, become what you are."

- St. John Paul II
 Familiaris Consortio 

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The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in the Family (MHSF) is a Catholic apostolate devoted to building up a culture of marriages strengthened by holy formation, intentional community, and a deep personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. MHSF helps form husbands and wives through human, intellectual, spiritual, and apostolic formation through a 24-month seminary-like experience alongside other couples striving for sanctity.
Home: Formation Experience

Who We Are


Chance and Lora Unger, Co-Founders of MHSF

Hello! We are Chance and Lora Unger, the founders of Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in the Family, along with our dear friend and spiritual guide Fr. Ben Holdren. MHSF is a Catholic apostolate dedicated to igniting holy marriages and reclaiming a new normal for families that will enact real and lasting change in the world.


The mission of the MHSF is to answer the call of St. John Paul the Great when he says, “Family, Become who you are.”  It is our vision to build up a culture of marriages that are solidified by holy formation, an intentional community, and deep encounter with God, who is perfect familial communion. We are an apostolate devoted to the sanctification of ordinary life in the family, strengthened by the sacrament of marriage.


MHSF was born in a moment of surrender after losing our baby, Francis, to miscarriage. The longing in our hearts for heaven was unbearable, and the Holy Spirit poured an unexplainable love over us. “To be saints” became the only mission worth living, and we were moved to ask others to join us. The personal invitations to sanctity ignited a new fire in the hearts of us all. We were filled with passion for living in surrender to the Lord as He brought us miracles of healing, peace, charisms, and undeniable gifts of the Holy Spirit. 


To find more about who we are and what we're about, check out the links below.

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The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (MHSF) is a Catholic apostolate devoted to building up a culture of marriages strengthened by holy formation, intentional community, and a deep personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. MHSF helps form husbands and wives through spiritual, intellectual, human, and apostolic formation through a 24-month seminary-like experience alongside other couples striving for sanctity.

Formation Experience

The two-year formation model focuses on these four pillars, lived in an intentional community of married couples striving for holiness together.

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Helping couples encounter the Holy Spirit by surrendering to Jesus Christ, in order to find true friendship with Him, and fully live out the sacrament of marriage together.




Giving couples solid truth that God has revealed through the Church, its documents, the Catechism, and Sacred Scripture as a launching point for small group discussion and reflection.


Human Formation

Creating an environment for couples to enter into deep, meaningful friendships with other couples so they can journey together and find encouragement knowing they're not striving for sanctity alone.


Apostolic Formation

Deepening a couple's spiritual life, aided by holy friendships, in order to more deeply enter into family life, parish life, and work life according to God’s design for their lives.

Being involved with a group that supports, encourages, and uplifts you in such a powerful way has helped me to become more fearless when sharing my faith and charisms with other people.  MHSF had helped me to realize just how powerful the Holy Spirit is working in every second of my life!"


- Beth Benes, St. Francis Chapter



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©2023 Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in the Family

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